Saturday, September 24, 2011


This is obviously a quirky 'coming of age' teen movie that charts the living hell some young folk have to endure in UK schools. In point of fact, the film/story takes place in Wales, which, of course, is very much part of the 'United Kingdom,' (not to be confused with Whales), but perhaps not so much a part of British/London school culture. You Brits out there can illuminate this for us.

Topic Question: What did you get out of this film? What's it's point (IF ANY)? How does it differ from traditional Hollywood 'coming of age' flicks. What part does bullying play in the story. Why does the female protagonist so dislike physical expressions of affection? What do you really think about the use of the word 'gay' to express anything lame, stupid, dumb, ugly...and sentimental. 

Give me a rambling, intelligent, insightful commentary on the film and its effect on your quivering, vulnerable, searching young minds. NO NOT TELL ME THE PLOT, because - guess what - I KNOW THAT ALREADY.

Picture below of Dusane and Maty