Saturday, September 24, 2011


This is obviously a quirky 'coming of age' teen movie that charts the living hell some young folk have to endure in UK schools. In point of fact, the film/story takes place in Wales, which, of course, is very much part of the 'United Kingdom,' (not to be confused with Whales), but perhaps not so much a part of British/London school culture. You Brits out there can illuminate this for us.

Topic Question: What did you get out of this film? What's it's point (IF ANY)? How does it differ from traditional Hollywood 'coming of age' flicks. What part does bullying play in the story. Why does the female protagonist so dislike physical expressions of affection? What do you really think about the use of the word 'gay' to express anything lame, stupid, dumb, ugly...and sentimental. 

Give me a rambling, intelligent, insightful commentary on the film and its effect on your quivering, vulnerable, searching young minds. NO NOT TELL ME THE PLOT, because - guess what - I KNOW THAT ALREADY.

Picture below of Dusane and Maty


  1. This film’s point was to show the bad life that British children have to go through in their schools and homes. It was a strange movie, with dark humor, which I haven’t really experienced watching before. At first I found it weird, but as we continued watching, I got used to it and understood the humor in it. It’s different from the rest of “Hollywood” coming of age movies because it has dark humor. It talks more about the bad things of growing up and less about the good things. Also, the movie wasn’t very predictable like most of the other movies about the same topic. The ending wasn’t very happy and cheerful, but rather sad and suspenseful. Bullying is a big part in the movie. The main boy character changes his opinions on bullying throughout the movie. At first he finds it bad, then he bullies someone, and then by the end of the movie he is the one getting bullied. It shows how bad bullying is around the world and what some kids have to go through. I think that the main female character doesn’t like getting too close to anyone because she is afraid that she might loose the person she is getting close to. With her mom almost dying and nothing being stable in her life, I think that she doesn’t want to get too close to anyone just to see them go away and leave her. She is tired of being left alone and disappointed. I think that using the word ‘gay’ to describe anything that isn’t literally gay is wrong. I think that it is overused and misused. I think that this movie gave me insight into other school systems and how the teachers and students function in other countries and communities. I saw how being a teenager could be something different in many different places. This movie was something different from what I usually watch, but I have to say that I enjoyed it quite a lot.

  2. Submarine shows the sad life of a British boy, Oliver. During the whole movie, he tries to make their parents fall in love again avoiding their divorce. He also meets a girl called Jordana, who helps him to discover the world surrounding them. She doesn’t accept physical expressions of affection because she wants to look strong and independent. In the beginning, It was boring and confusing, but then, I started to understand it and be curious about what came next. The movie also has a lot of dark humor and bullying. When the boy is at school, he sees and presences the bullying. At first, the protagonist bully a weird girl, then he realizes that it isn’t good and finally in the end, he gets bullied by his ‘friends’. The author wanted to show us how hard it can be for children to face bullying situations and also to alert us that bullying can happen everywhere and we need to be careful with that. There is dark humor in the whole movie, one example of that is when the boy spit something in his neighbor’s car because he suspected that the man was having an affair with his mom. After watching the movie, I realized that the title is very important for the understanding of the movie. ‘Submarine’ is a watercraft that can travel underwater and in a part of the movie, Oliver seems to be living underwater because his parents are almost divorcing, his loved girl is gone and everyone in the school thinks he is stupid; but after that he faces all of his problems and have his normal life back. This is different from all of the movies from Hollywood because it talks about dark humor, bullying and the sad life of a discrete British guy who wants to discover the world, but is afraid of it. The characters in the movie also use a lot the word ‘gay’ to say that someone is stupid. In my opinion, the author uses this words because he wants to show us how some kids are prejudiced in these days.

  3. What I got out of this film is that when you really try for something you might be able to get it like the guy got the girl in the end. He worked hard on it and finally achieved what he couldn't have possibly got without effort. The point is to show that public schools can be a hard place to grow up in and so it's a tough life to live at first, but like Oliver showed you can tough it out no matter what. It differs from Hollywood because this is about bullying and its vulgar, violent, and the truth about public schools in England and not just the same plot and kind of characters as hollywood movies. I think the word 'gay' is misused a lot these days because its not stupid or lame or anything of that sort it is a word that means good, but also homosexual which shows that people are still a bit unfamiliar with people being in love with the same gender, and therefore the word is just being misused.

  4. What did you get out of this film? What's it's point?

    This film was a movie of a boy who was obviously over thinking things, and seemed as if his use of his head actually caused things to go more wrong. I really thought this was interesting because people usually do stupid things when they are not thinking about the consequences and this boy did the exact opposite. For me it really showed that sometimes one shouldn't keep worrying and thinking about something if it has already happened because it will only cause more stress. The point of this movie is hard to say because it can be viewed from so many angles, it can be seen as a boy who is overthinking everything and is trying to find his own identity as he is doing so, but It can also be seen as a comedy with a very strange boy who causes many awkward and funny moments in the movie. I of course watched the movie the first time and had to laugh because it almost seem unrealistic how he was overthinking things and then reacting to them in the strangest ways. I really find it hard to say one reason alone for this movie because it has so many possibilities. For each person it will most likely have a different meaning. Some will say that the boy is maybe having an identity crisus as he is getting older and that the movie is about his struggle as well as the struggle of his daily life.

  5. Thanks to the four of you, now waiting for 13 more!

  6. I think that the main point of the movie Submarine is being different. The movie is not at all like the “normal” movies with all the stereotypes of rich businessman and beautiful women. Submarine is also less predictable and therefore I found it a bit weird, which also shows that it was not a typical movie. The main character is a weird boy who doesn’t really have friends but one knows that he has a good heart even though he is over thinking many situations. When I watched the movie I got the feeling that one of the main points also was to show and tell the audience about the life of a guy who is called a ‘looser’ by his class mates and by society. The audience experiences the boys sad life and bullying in English schools is a big part of it. The movie shows how much it can hurt people to be bullied and how fast it can go that one bullies people and gets bullied himself. It also shows the main reason why people bully: they are trying to scare people off because they are scared that people will eventually bully them themselves. The female protagonist is very uncommunicative. I think she pretends not to like anything or anyone because she is afraid of losing what is important to her. In my opinion, the word ‘gay’ is used way too often in general. It should be only used as a synonym for ‘homosexual’ because by using the word gay for saying that something is lame or stupid, it automatically makes the word sound bad. Overall, I liked the movie because it was not stereotyped but funny and I am sure that it will stay in my memory for a longer time than any of the typical Hollywood movies.

  7. This film showed me the struggles and trials that British teens have to face in school and at home. It also showed me the importance of family and that second chances do come around. I got to see how a typical British teen such as Oliver dealt with his situation at home and at school. Oliver was not the most popular guy in school; he was occasionally bullied and got picked on by his teachers. At home, his parents strained relationship also took a toll on him personally. I thought that Oliver was a very complex character, even though he was surrounded by so much pain and trouble in his life, he somehow portrayed himself in a very humorous manner. I remember laughing at his comments and thoughts. One part of the film that was prominent to me was that Oliver would go to extreme lengths to try to reconnect his parents back together. He would spy on his mother when she went out without his father. The film also showed that second chances do exist. Oliver’s parents got back together in the end and Jordanna and Oliver seemed to be on good terms at the end of the movie. The film is different from the rest of “Hollywood” coming of age flicks as it has ‘dark humor’. It focuses more on the bad aspects of teen hood and the process of growing up rather than the good things about it. The movie is also very unpredictable. The ending scene with was not like a typical fairy tale ending, but rather suspenseful leaving us with many questions unanswered. I think the film also has a hidden message to say that bullying is wrong and should be discouraged. In the film, bullying is exaggerated and portrayed as wrong horrible thing to do. Oliver realizes that bullying the chubby girl was wrong and in the end of the movie he got bullied, getting a taste of his own medicine. It shows how bad bullying can be, how hard it can be for teen to face bullying and that we should all not bully others.
    Jordanna dislikes physical expressions of affection because she wants to look weak. She is also not the most popular girl in school so she wants to appear strong, independent and intimidating. Also, she might be afraid that she will loose another person close to her. Her mother is suffering from cancer; she has a fear of losing people around her, as she knows she would lose her mother in time to come. Honestly, I think that using the word ‘gay’ to express anything lame, stupid, dumb, ugly...and sentimental is ridiculous. Firstly, the word ‘gay’ does not describe or mean any of the things listed above and it is just a stupid immature way of saying something is wrong. I feel that teens use the word too often and use it without thinking; they just use it for the sheer fun and convenience of saying it.

  8. I enjoyed this movie a lot, and loved the typical English dark humor. I think the point of the movie was to show a teens life in a typical English atmosphere, but I think the greater idea of it was to show that having full control over something can sometimes lead to complete loss of control, as Oliver demonstrates when he tries to control his parents love life, and his own love life. What makes this movie so great was probably that it is so unlike any Hollywood movie. It has dark humor, inside jokes, isn't predictable, and it makes a lot of fun of many different types of people. In this story bullying is probably one of the most important parts because it is the trigger for a lot of things that happen in the story and is causes a lot of damage. It shows how damaging bullying can be, and what it can make you do -- like bully someone else to get back on the cool side. Jordana's character didn't like physical expressions of affection because her mother is about to die and she doesn't want to feel feelings or something might go wrong again. She is probably in the relationship mainly as a distraction from her mother and any feelings she is having, which is why feelings are a no for her. In the movie the word 'gay' is used so often to describe something in a negative way and I think this is because they have all made so much fun of each other by saying they were gay that everyone sees it as a bad thing and is has become natural for them to use it in a bad context.

  9. This extraordinary conception of maturing fascinated me very much. Although the Submarine was adapted to such an exaggerating form full of dark humor it contains sense of terrifying reality.
    The main character, Oliver Tate is a young teenager who is going through his unbalanced difficult period of puberty. Despite his intelligence, he looks weird in society. He's not respected at school, even his mother doubts about his mentality. He has to face bullying and public humiliation, too. During the movie my mind was also struggling whether Oliver was normal or rather retarded. And that's the point. We can't judge people according to their similarity or difference from others who we call normal. Oliver, in spite of his unusual behavior was still able to control relationship of his parents. Sometimes these people know more than we think about them. They only don't have the need to show off, they stay themselves and do not try to fit in society at any price contrary to others who want to look cool.
    The movie doesn't copy simple humor and superficiality of many traditional Hollywood 'coming of age' flicks at all. It is a very sensitive story that focuses on deep, inner human emotion although it doesn't clearly reflect in the character. It shows us quite common life situations in ironical gloomy mood, which forces viewers to at least to sneer. Also the movie style emphasized the feeling of being out of this time, out of this world. Moviemakers then used music to create the voice of the character because music is the most understandable way of emotional communication among people all over the world.
    Oliver's life is turning over 2 issues: saving his parents from breakup and getting and maintaining Jordana's heart. The second task is more than difficult as Jordana dislike physical expressions of affection. I can only guess why. And honestly, I don't care. It isn't strange after all. She just lives in her own world as well as Oliver.
    I loved the movie because in the story I could see the hidden similarity, however significant, to everyone. The style was quite innovative and plot sometimes surprising.

  10. The movie the Submarine is about Oliver, a kid growing up in Whales. The protagonist experiences a number of things throughout the film, such as coming of age, being bullied and countless of other things. The film has a lot of dark humor, and it was weird watching this indie as it had so much of it. This film differed from most coming of age movies since it has more negative aspects then the positive, which really makes you feel almost depressed. The movie was able to share the emotions Oliver was feeling, and therefore really involving the audience. Oliver also tries to control things which you one normally can’t, such as the relationship status of your parents, and throughout the film, the audience, (me) was left thinking whether the protagonist was mentally stable, as he would mention things such as how he imagined his own death. The term ‘gay’ is tossed around a lot, but I think it is mostly being misused. One key reasons for this is that to be homosexual isn’t a norm in any culture, making you stand out, and that will give people a reason to make fun of you or criticize you. Most people when calling someone gay for their actions or appearances aren’t referring to them being homosexual, but more them being stupid or idiotic. I think the same goes for Oliver’s situation.

  11. The movie Submarine is about Oliver and him comming of age. He experiences many things. One of the things he experiences is getting bullied and many other things. I think the movie was quite weird . It had a weird sense of humor. I don't know how to describe it but it was not the common family. It was a family who had some quite unique complications.When they used the word gay, it was used as a insult. It was like being called stupid/retarded etc. I thought the movie was unusual. I can't say I enjoyed it but it was still interesting in a way. I liked the fact that it had a twist to it and that Oliver and his girlfriend didn't just stay together for the whole movie, like almost all movies it ended happily.

  12. Out of this film, i got that if you try as hard as you can to achieve your goal, you will be able to do it, like he got the girl for example. We are used to an easy life in an international school, but the movie shows that public schools like in Whales are hard to go through for either reasons like bullying or hard work but if you say you can do it you will go through. It is not like Hollywood movies because when you watch this, it is more like you can imagine it, it seems more realistic, the violence , vulgarity, and the hard times, unlike in most hollywood films its fake alot , shows the best parts of everything and arent very vulgar.

    By the way, i love the picture of Dusan and me ;))

  13. The British movie ‘Submarine’ is definitely not like a stereotypical Hollywood movie, which usually only show violence, being rich, sex, or romances. It is not something that a person made up, it is way mer realistic and shows the real life of some people. The main theme of the movie is being different and over thinking all possible situations. Oliver is a teenage boy who is continually being bullied by people who are afraid by themselves that they might be in the same position so they harm other people in order for them to feel better. Then there is a girl who he is desperately in love with and does everything to get her. This concept of bullying, and only continually being worried and accordingly over thinking situations, shows the cruel reality of some peoples lives. One should consider thinking about these situations, that a kid is worrying about their parents’ relationship, getting beaten up, getting dumped by a girl etc.; maybe trying to be more empathetic and being happy if ones situation is better, and accordingly help others if they are currently in a worse situation.
    I think that the female protagonist, Jordana does not show her feelings because she is afraid she might lose her self respect while she is very unconfident with herself. She might also be worried she might start being bullied too if she would show her emotions just like Oliver does.
    The overuse of the word ‘gay’ is just disrespectful. Even though it fits into the movie, since it is also one kind of bullying, the use of it show that the person is not confident and has problems with himself, thats why he needs to bring other people down in order to feel better. Accordingly, the word ‘gay’ should only be used as a synonym to ‘homosexual’, otherwise it is disrespectful to other people, even though these are nothing different than others.

  14. What I got out of this movie, was how much a childhood can be dark for some people. For the most of us childhood is a pleasure-full time, because we don’t have to go to work etc. but evidently for some people this doesn’t count. It can also get very tough for people in british schools, because of how much they get bullied, which causes they’re self-esteem to go down, and be even more “un-accepted.” It was pretty interesting for me to see how excited the guy was from getting a girl-friend, because he ran home to tell his parents about it. It is awkward how he was trying to dim the light in the parents room, so they would like each other other again. This can be funny for some people, that is maybe why this movie is considered a black comedy, it has humor, but it has deep meanings. I think that the word “gay” is used to express anything lame, stupid, dumb, ugly...and sentimental is because gay people are “un-accepted” in most countries, and so are these personalities. That is why the word “gay” is used any time, someone thinks that what the other person did was “un-acceptable.” In other words saying; don’t do that... it looks weird. I found this movie a little confusing, because everything was so mysterious, and you didn’t really know every character in detail, not really understanding them. The whole movie seemed kind of “dark” this was maybe because it was filmed in cold times not during the summer, when everybody is cheer-full. I think it was an interesting movie to watch because it taught me something about the U.K. schools, it had a deep meaning, and it certainly left me thinking.
